Recently, I visited Randall's shop in Orlando.
I have a Vietnam era 1975 to 1977 Model 18
Check out the single hilt and thumb notches, reduced by Randall’s shop.
It has a White Washita Arkansas stone, in the Johnson rough-back case.
Randall told me it is a collectible item and that I might be able to get some help & advice on evaluation.
I have had it for over 40 years.
I am interested in selling it.
Thank you for any help and/or advice that you might provide

Randall Knife1b.jpg (352 downloads)
Description: Recently, I visited Randall's shop in Orlando. I have a Vietnam era 1975 to 1977 Model 18 with a single hilt and thumb notches, reduced by Randall’s shop. It has a White Washita Arkansas stone, in the Johnson rough back case. Randall told me it is a

Edited by ED-Z (10/31/17 12:07 PM)