EDO Photo Contest Rules:

The EDO Photo Contest is specifically designed to encourage and promote photographic excellence, and the photos are judged based on their technical and creative merits.

2) The First Place winner receives an award.

If the judges determine that a Second Place winner is appropriate, one will be determined. However, the Second Place winner does not receive an award,but instead the photo becomes eligible for the Annual EDO Photo Contest. Note that not all EDO Photo Contests will have a Second Place winner.

4) Each person is allowed to submit only one photo, and the photo must be their own original work.

5) The EDO Photo Contest will be run semi-monthly, specifically for two-month periods.

NEW!! THE THREE JUDGES will select the winner of the Annual EDO Photo Contests. If one has more than one photo in the Annual EDO Photo Contest, meaning that one was First or Second Place in more than one semi-monthly EDO Photo Contest, one has the option to include only one photo, so as not to compete against oneself.

7) A photo that has been submitted for an EDO Photo Contest cannot be submitted again for subsequent EDO Photo Contests.

8) Naturally, all photos must include at least one genuine Randall Made knife.

9) The three judges are: Edoardo Garofoli, Jim Gates, and Ken Lunde.


Please note the following:

A) - Photos are entered in an EDO Photo Contest by posting them directly to this thread, either as an attachment or hosted externally.
B) - The EDO Photo Contest thread is not for discussing the rules, though complementing someone on the photo that they entered, in a courteous and positive manner, is permitted.

Edited by EDO (06/12/11 05:51 AM)
RKS Member
EDO Photo Contest