When/How - I actually came to Randalls probably later than most. I think I was 52 or 53, 2002 or 2003, when I saw my first catalog. That's when I saw it, the knife I had been looking for since I was 5 or 6, The Smithsonian Bowie. It took about 51 years for me to get the knife of my dreams.

Who - I'm going to have to say Jim Bowie, not that he actually introduced me to Randalls but the TV show The Adventures of Jim Bowie and the movie The Iron Mistress is what got me interested in that type of knife. Then probably looking through a knife magazine I saw an ad for Randall Made Knives and ordered one. When it came there it was.

What - It is the 12-11 Smithsonian Bowie that is in this picture. It is the standard catalog model, no bells or whistles and the day UPS delivered I think my hands shook as I opened the box. For me it was like finding The Holy Grail.

Where/How - I ordered the knife from the catalog, sent the order form to Randall, waited for the response and then waited for the knife. I think back then it cost about $430 and the wait was 38 months. It turned out to be around 41 months but there it was I had the knife of my dreams.


Edited by Oldvetnam1 (01/10/11 07:12 PM)
Steve Rinda
RKS #5715
SHAG #006