
I agree 100% with your comments. Even low cost Digital Point & Shoot cameras have more features than 95% will ever use. I can't even imagine what features a high end digital SLR has on board. I have never purchased digital photo editing software because there is so much good stuff out there for free. Several years ago I purchased a new printer and much to my surprise there was a package on the install disk called MGI Photo Suite which has almost all the features that PhotoShop has. Last year I installed a DVD in my PC and on that disk was a photo package that contained most of the advanced features found in Photo Shop and now I see that Picasa 3 can be had for nothing. That's why I like to at look at all the free stuff because you never know what's out there unless you try it. Most of the features on all these programs are fun to play with but in reality they are not features that will get much use. For the most part, cropping, resizing, contrast, brightness and basic color adjustments are the only features that are really necessary.
RKS #5553