For those that are looking to bone up on their skills, both with the camera and in the digital darkroom, I highly recommend the Rocky Mountain School of Photography Weekend Workshops. I attended the two day seminar last year in Atlanta and received a bunch of ideas and lessons. This weekend I will attend again in Birmingham.

Here is the schedule for the rest of the year:

Birmingham, AL January 24-25
Indianapolis, IN February 7 – 8
Nashville, TN February 14 – 15
Sacramento, CA February 21 – 22
Fort Worth, TX February 28 – March 1
Kansas City, KS March 7 – 8
Springfield, MA March 14 - 15
Salt Lake City, UT March 21 – 22
Buffalo, NY March 28 – 29
Bozeman, MT April 18 – 19
Grand Rapids, MI April 25 – 26

If anyone decides to take one of these workshops I would be interested in your evaluation.
Gary Howie
RKS# 274
RKCC# 495

Death tugs at my ear and says: "Live, I am coming."
--Oliver Wendell Holmes