
I will work on a more detailed description but for now, let's start here. In general, follow the original instructions that are at the top of the Picture Gallery Forum and repeat your original steps that you used to post the first photo only this time starting with #3

1. After you have successfully posted the first photo go back to your post.

2. Click On Edit

3. Without Changing Anything Scroll down and select Change This Post

4. Scroll down to the browse bar and browse for your photo just like you did with your first photo and like step #3 in the instructions

5. You need to follow the steps for the second photo exactly like you did for the first one. After you copy the URL into the address bar and click on OK you should see the address for the second photo in the POST Dialog Box.

6. If you follow the steps starting with #3 you should be able to get the second one on. You can do this over and over with more photos but remember, you have a limited time to continue to edit your post.
RKS #5553