Tom...& all others as well,
Thanks for your support, prayers and well-wishes for this "unusual" time in my life. I do, indeed, much appreciate all of it. Wanna' update? OK: Here goes:
I cannot remember any time in my life that I have had so much angst & turmoil with regards to my overall (current, past & future) health. It has been a bit trysting! End results can finally be surmised as follows:
After many tests, 2 hospital visits (1 an overnight and 3 trips to the emergency room (one via ambulance)...I found out yesterday I'm gonna' live...!!! Results of testing 2 weeks ago tomorrow from my Coradid Duplex Ultrasound finally have been read and the end result is negative (or normal) and their is no artery/heart problems!
That means..."ALL" of the past 6 months is directly a result of Covid-19 and will continue to haunt me for the next several years! It'a a nasty-ass disease and still has much...MUCH more to be learned about it. The PACC (Post Acute Covid Conditions) linger...& linger...& linger. Nobody can specify any type or kind of exact time this problem will still plague me because Covid has not been around that long.
My Doctors (4 in total) can only estimate it's affects by how long the majority of patients contracting these long-term conditions have had them...thus far, which is about 2 years to date. It's safe to say their estimates 2-4 years are extremely ballpark...but that's all we got!
I'm more limited in my physical exertion and often have shortness of breath and dizziness..."BUT"...(& this is big but)...this too shall pass and is not life-threatening nor terminal as far as anyone can tell!
The end result is a live-able condition that impedes me somewhat but that I can still have reasonable daily duties and work habits,,,perhaps just not as long each day.
Thanks for your support and understanding of all this!
Healthfully Yours,
Capt. Chris

Edited by Captain Chris Stanaback (11/29/22 11:24 AM)
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member