When I think survival knife I think downed pilot perhaps island survival due to capsized ship etc. both are mostly fantasy as people either die or are found really quickly but situations do happen where guys/gals are lost for weeks and found.

I would fit as much fishing/sewing line a few needles and a few fishing hooks. While I can adapt fishing hooks with black locus thorns in my area the line isn’t possible to fashion. Neddle and thread for wounds or clothing and the hooks are nice to have but can be made.

If all you were able to save was yourself, likely clothing will be torn at minimum probably cuts too. Hopefully you still have your pocket survival items like ferro rod, spot tracker etc.

The compass would be nice, I would check it vs my primary compass just to see. The storage area would also be a “Iknow where I put it” spot that you couldn’t forget. Over weeks of nothing but your pockets the handle storage would be a real benefit.

Attaching the knife to a pole is pretty unrealistic unless you were attempting to get fruit from a tree or something.