Randall should take action NOW and SUE this guy!

There are companies who pay a lot of money for commercials to get a good image. It seems that Randall doesn't care about that and don't want to spent a dollar to resolve this mess. They should help there loyal customers. This is BAD PUBLICITY for Randall and their dealers. It,s insane that a dealer is more helpful then Randall.

This Rick Ward guy still has his Randall dealer site in the air. Perhaps he still takes email orders from people? Randall should make him take that site down and if they can't contact him, try everything in there power to find him. Randall got enough dollars to sue him and take whatever action is necessary.

I know some people will call me negative, but I find it amazing that Randall is handling this the way they are. To be honest I am disappointed.
I am an American born in the wrong country.