Correct Ramking:
This material is plenty big enough for even the largest and longest Model #5. Because of this, I ask for the initial vote to concentrate on a 5, 6, 7 or 8 inch version of the Bradford Angier Camp & Trail Model. The diminutive Model #5-4 inch will be reserved for another build at another time.
If someone is reading this who is fairly new to our forum, here's what's about to happen. We (all of usn's on this forum site) are going to build a camping knife, by committee. We will discuss each and every option and will have a vote in deciding which way the build travels and gets constructed. The majority (or winner) of each voted upon option, etc. will be included in the build and we will move to the next step in determining the final outcome of this great knife!
One feature has already been voted on, with that vote being completed around July-August of last year. That vote was to use Amboyna Burl wood for the handle. That is "all" that has been decided. Much, much more work to do.
At the end of the build, when all features have been decided, we will call for your "lucky number" entry, after which I will pull a random number from a computer-generated site. That number's winner gets first refusal to purchase this Camper at catalog price with a "less-than-a-year" wait! If that person selected does not want to buy the knife (which recently happened)...please state your decision and I'll generate another winner.
The build will be done, one step at a time, in the same manner that I would write up an order for my blade list. Starting with the blade material and finishing at the butt end of this knife.
OK: Enough of all of the explainin'...Let's get on with it! Who's "IN"??
Best, Capt. Chris
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member