Found this article about a coyote almost getting away with a lady's terrier. Interesting to read the comments by wildlife officials.

Coyote ugly: Boozer the brave little terrier lives to tell the tale after being savaged by wild beast as it roamed his neighborhood

• An Illinois couple's small dog survived a coyote attack Wednesday morning
• The terrier was attacked in its backyard in Northfield, just above Chicago
• Vicky Barnaby ran out of the house screaming and chased off the wild animal
• The frightening ordeal was caught on the family's home surveillance camera

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources website says that coyotes "are not likely to cause problems," despite common misconceptions to the contrary.

In the span of seconds, the coyote had the terrier pinned down near a wooden fence bordering the Dinges' backyard.

While individual coyotes may sometimes kill or injure domestic pets, young livestock, or poultry, these incidents are typically preventable by removing resources that might attract coyotes.

Northfield police Chief William Lustig warns Illinois residents to never leave pet or human food in containers outside, to always store trash in tightly sealed containers, and to refrain from feeding birds, as the feed can attract other wildlife that coyotes prey upon.

"Some coyotes become accustomed to human activity and may approach close to buildings, people, or pets," the Illinois Department of Natural Resources site adds.

"Cats and small dogs should be observed closely and placed in fenced areas (yards, kennels) when coyotes are known to be present."
As Vicky Dinges ran out of the house, apparently screaming, the coyote took off in the opposite direction and Boozer jumped up right away, running back to his home.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources website says that coyotes "are not likely to cause problems," despite common misconceptions to the contrary.

After watching the video, Chris Anchor, chief wildlife biologist of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, described the incident to the Chicago Tribune as a “defensive attack.”

"If the coyote had wanted to kill that small dog, the dog would have been dead within seconds," he said.

The coyote was likely defending its territory during its reproductive season, Anchor said.

Lustig told the Tribune that while the police department does not provide coyote trapping services, it is working closely with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to monitor the situation.
Larry W. Williams
RKCC #CM-041
ABKA #046
RKS #1246