Well boys it was one hell of a weekend for Team Behring Made.

To start us off, James' good friend Gabe dropped a gorgeous 6x6 bull measuring a little over 300" on opening morning. The pack out was a bit strenuous as we were a mile straight up the side of a hill and the fellas had the genius to think we oughtta pack the entire bull out in one trip. Not so awesome, but got that bad boy done without blowing out a knee.

After our last hunt on Sunday I decided to head back for Missoula early to get some rest and sleep in my own bed before heading back out to our other spot where I drew my early season cow elk tag. When I got out there at first I wasn't seeing much, but after about a half hour I'd noticed 6-7 cows just over the wrong side of the fence 1000 yards or so to the east. I put the stalk on and closed into about 300 yards from the fence and got the bipod all set up and myself in comfortable position. Something down the draw caught their attention because they all got up and started looking the other way. When they started to walk off I chirped on my calf call a bit to stop them and drew one I hadn't seen yet out of the bushes just on my side of the fence. Took a few deep breaths and let one rip. The shot felt perfect, but at first I couldn't tell if I hit her or not as she didn't reach much, but she turned around confused like and at that point I saw the exit wound and blood running out of the lungs. She dropped just a few steps from there.

Fun fact: I'm using my late Grandpa's Remington 700 chambered in 7mm that I inherited at Christmas. He used to hunt all of these stomping grounds, and it feels right to get to put it back to work in his playgrounds.

Could not be happier gents!

Edited by Behring Made (09/06/16 06:23 PM)
Grant Cunningham