A lot has been added in the past day or so. It is quite easy to get side-tracked during a build. Just to right the ship...How about this...and "THIS ONLY": ROLL CALL VOTE! Vote for one of the following. Do not list all of your other knife specs wanted. Plea your case for your favorite blade length, by all means..."BUT"...(I know..I know) the vote is for "BLADE LENGTH ONLY". Thanks for your input so far and let's decide exactly which blade we're building on.
Best, Capt. Chris

Vote for "1" only:
A) 4 inch
B) 5 inch
C) 6 inch
D) 7 inch
E) 8 inch
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member
WEBSITE: www.captstanaback.com