I bought a Randall 12-9 to see how Randall Made Knives basically compare to a contemporary design. I used a Busse FBM LE for 6 years. It was a so so chopper. It was a little too thick with a steep edge that would not penetrate hard woods well, plus, it had a flat grind and would basically gall onto the tree when you did manage to get a deep cut in a softer wood. The steel was ok, would chip like any other high quality knife that hit a rock in the process of being used in the field. The material, marketed as INFI, relies on the steep bevel to hold its edge, if you take it down a bit to improve penetration, it goes dull like any other quality production knife. I used it for 6 years and chopped hundreds of small trees that grow out of control on my rural property. It was thick, hence strong. Finally sold it because it took too much energy to use and found it unproductive in the field. Then I used a Bill Buxton made of forged 52100, it was was much better, and held an edge like no other. I did not take Bill's advise and ordered an 8 instead of a 9 inch blade, and it was a bit too short. Subsequently I decided to try a Randall 12-9 and chopped down a few dozen small trees ranging from two to five inches in diameter. The Randall is forged from very high quality Swedish tool steal. It was the most effective chopper of the three. The cuts were deep even in hard woods, the hollow grind did not gall. The Randall's edge stayed sharp better than the Busse. The Randalls V grind edge is superior for cutting and chopping but chipped a little bit easier when the it came in contact with a rock than the the other two with their convexed edges. All three knives had no issues with edge roll. I used the Randall in an abusive manor in an effort to cause a break at the tang, which I presume is approximately 1/2 X 1/4 X 4.75 inches as it is based in a # 14 CDT. It seems one would have to break this knife on purpose in order to effectuate failure. The Randall and the Bill Buxton are expensive, and expensively made. The Busse appeared to be mostly machine made, but high priced. My point is, Busse appears to price into its MSRP an abuse warrantee. The FBM LE in 2007 was a simple construction $375 knife that actually retailed for $697 sans a sheath. The price of the hand forged Randall and Buxton prices do not reflect a warrantee for abuse, so the buyer has to self insure the knife for abuse. But, they are forged, and the advantage seems to be the same for carbon steel knife blades as it is for the cranks on a mountain bicycle, the forged units require less material to create the same amount of strength compared the those CNC'd or chucked and ground, making this production method perfect for a hollow grind blade. The cost of self insuring the knife for abuse versus having it packed into the retail price would be a consideration a purchaser would have to weigh relative to their own personal comfort level.
[img:center][/img] [img:center][/img] [img:center][/

Edited by oohhaann (05/05/15 08:16 PM)