No need to apologize to anyone Ron, you finally grew a set and are responding. Too bad it takes so much prodding to get you in gear and do your own work.

And to be clear, crystal friggin clear, for the umpteenth time, put on you glasses, hearing aide, or what ever you have to do. How and why are the years 1960, 1961 even being brought up? Why? I am not and have not been talking about those years as the transition. Stated it more times than I can remember, even in this thread!!

Sam, and now you are bringing it into the equation. there is no debate on who made those sheaths and I also been very clear on that. So why do you bring up anything other than 1962 when GTR found MJ? Why? To muddy the water and confuse the readers?

By the way, the last line in your old post was "Thanks in advance for any help you can give". Well I gave plenty of help Ron, but you never thanked me. I guess it wasn't shall we say, the "help" that suited you.

So quit obfuscating and just answer he question Ron about the photos I referenced. It is that simple. Put up or shut up.