Originally Posted By: crutchtip
1) your reading comprehension sucks

2) Your cognitive skills suck.

3) Your interaction skills with others suck.

4)you don’t absorb shit

5)You only bloviate.

6)someone of your ilk.

7)dealing with morons.

8)You didn’t provide shit.

9)annoy people and degrade this forum.

10)guy that cannot grasp most anything that is said.

11)Another moronic statement

12)There is a God.

13)Most everyone knows what provenance is expect you. (Would be nice if you used spell check Joe)

14)you are not asking anything. You are demanding. You are lecturing, mostly about subjects you know little about.

Joe, 14 insults in 2 posts.

That little tirade MIGHT have insulted me, had I valued YOUR opinion of me.

Sam Granade
RKS Member #5700