Originally Posted By: Jacknola
All of above... concur.

New photos = additional clues. Type 2 stamp on blade, possibly 1957 (?) to sometime in 1965 (type 1 continued into early '66). Choll=? not really qualified to address ... looks like an unusually right-angle type which was apparently short-lived very early '60s, but that opinion is base completely secondary scholorship. Bo could help answer. White print on stone, if original, would bring '62-'63 or so into play. Stone-swapping is an issue even more than sheath-swapping.

the choil is most definitely at the cusp of the change to the new grind. This change somewhat coincided with the change in sheathmakers. The white print stone was used from around 62 up through 66 or so. I highly doubt this package has been messed with.

Originally Posted By: Jacknola
My guess now would be about 1962 HLK with west facing Randall-made sheath stamp. HOWEVER ... we should keep in mind that during this time period the Model 1 sheaths had the longest overlap of supply from Heiser than any other model.

Brown button HLK model 1 sheaths were still being shipped when most other models were being sheathed and shipped in baby dots. This is pretty well documented.

I have never heard this about the #1 sheaths before. What is your source on which you base your statement(s)?