It was too long coming, but I had to go to Orlando on Tuesday and made it a point to take time to visit the museum.

Having been to the shop a few times since the museum opened, I was always on a schedule and could not stay long enough to do it. wife, her sister, and I had the pleasure of getting a guided tour from Michael Randall, and a long conversation about the legacy that his grandfather and the extended Randall family have established.

Anyone who is interested in Randall knives or knives in general should visit if at all possible.

I tracked down the article from 1942 that somebody on the Forum mentioned about Randall knives in the Solomon Islands. I will post a photo of it in another post (computer just did something strange). But the museum is filled with such things.


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Edited by LarryWW1246 (10/25/18 04:58 PM)
Larry W. Williams
RKCC #CM-041
ABKA #046
RKS #1246