Going to break protocol and post an off topic thread here.

In the "Fishing and Boating" forum there is a new auction to give Robert a little boost while he recuperates.

You can find it here:


I ask Capt. Chris to do this anonymously but I see it is going to need some help so I will add this.

The Temple Fork Outfitters rod is new as is the Ross reel (spooled with new line and tippet). It's a 6 weight rod so don't take it to the coast. I bought it for fishing the streams in the Texas Hill Country. Just can't get away from fishing at Caddo Lake in Deep East Texas where it is a little light.

The rod has a transferable life time warranty. My bud Sgt. Doug (a Christmas Knife active duty recipient) bought the same rig. It was in the trunk of his vehicle when he was rear ended by a driver doing 70 mph. Sgt. Doug is ok but the rod was crushed. Temple Fork gave him a new one.

I share the same last name with Robert but my folks originated in Alabama, his farther north so we may or may not be related. Never the less I want to help a brother in a bind.

The rod & reel are already boxed up waiting to put your name and address on it.

Go for it.


Tom Welch
RKS #4868