Happy Woody Wednesday!
This one will involve some "history" and, to be honest, could be posted in "several" categories on these forums. This will be a 1st introduction (for the majority here) of the lesser-known of all dealer specials: The "ROD & GUN COMPANION"!
The late John Newell was an authorized dealer and owner of The Orvis Shop, Downeast. He had 2 locations: The 1st, oldest and original shop in Winter Park, Fl. and 2nd (later) in Disney's "Celebrations".
John was a friend of mine and a very interesting guy. Historic military career and an avid fisherman were some of John;s accomplishments. I was/am proud to say I enjoyed spending time with John and "rigged" a dozen various fly rod, reel & line combinations for him to include backing, nails knots, perfection loops etc... some of these rigs held world records at one time or another!
John also had his very own "Dealer Special", called
The "Rod & Gun Companion". This knife had very exclusive lineage, described below:
* Custom blade length "Trout & Bird Model"
* 4 1/2" blade length
* Special stainless steel used
* AEB-L stainless
* Thumb notches included
* Special single finger grip handle
* Custom walnut (Claro) used
* Wrist thong
* Johnny Johnson roughback sheath (butterfly-stitched)
* Baby dot snaps
* Blade etched R&G *** (serial number)
I retrieved this splendid example outta' The Captain's "STASH" and just now completed the photos. I hope you like it and (maybe/perhaps) learned a way-cool piece of RMK history along the way today.
Stay Sharp, Capt. Chris





