tinypic.com...and your photos

Posted by: Captain Chris Stanaback

tinypic.com...and your photos - 10/05/18 05:03 PM

Howdy members,
I am posting this thread in the "photo forum" as it is all about posting photos. Recently, Wally & Lori Mabry posted pics of their Randall museum visit. (Main Forum: "Deep Thoughts" thread)...They used tinypic.com as their host to do so. Well tinypic.com is down and, consequently, so are their photos.
I have been brain-storming with Rick T., along with the good folks at The Randall Shop, throughout the day, trying to figure out just what went (is still) wrong. Rick T. informed me that, if folks post their photos directly to this forum, images will be saved and this type of "stuff" will not happen.
I know that the image size has to be reduced to 300kb or less (I always make it a little less, just to be sure) but it works. If anyone is having problems posting photos, please get in touch with one or some of us and we'll help you out.
Thanks...and let's see "MORE PHOTOS"!!!
Stay sharp, Capt. Chris
"Brain-storming"!? As The Chief would say: "Now THAT'S funny"!...CCS